Sugarcane is a natural diuretic, very good for those with kidneys stones/infection, urinary tract infections etc. For those with gas reflux, sugar cane helps reduce acidicity. Sugarcane helps strengthen your liver, thus, a great remedy for jaundice and even it's prevention (unborn babies). When constipated, take lots of sugar cane, it acts as a laxative. For those suffering from burning sensation all over the body, burning urination too, take lots of sugar cane. Having had a stressful day, sugar cane acts like a natural energy drink. When was the last time you ate sugar cane? However, if you've been diagnosed already with kidney disease...please don't, as the sugar will be too much to filter...Its high in fructose and a damaged kidneys can't handle that. Or if you're insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes. Please its a no go this will spike your your blood real big.. If you suffer hypoglycaemia..low sugar in the blood,